It is this principle that guides us to keep working.
Kreative is a holding company, per say. A home for sometimes vastly different projects. What keeps it all together (besides the logo) is the goal of serving our customers, constituents, and community. Our shared mission, our through line, is to build organizations that aid the human condition. We're open to anything, trying everything, and striving for a world where Kreative has the opportunity and resources to advance problem solving.
Our journey started in 2018, when Armaan opened Kreative (originally called The Creative Foundation, LLC) to start running hackathons for students in the Chicagoland area. Since then, we've ran a few more, helped small businesses with their marketing, built AI-powered software for veterinarians, and more.
We haven't succeeded with everything and failure is a part of the journey. We're going to keep working.
Kreative holds the idea that business can be one of the best ways to provide a service to those around us. By creating products that genuinely better the lives of our customers, we at Kreative can rest easy knowing we've helped change somebody's life.
It's this belief that drives us to look at each industry and service individually to assess what we can bring to the table and how we can integrate cross market services together to aid our customers in their own pursuits. Without the interests of our customers at the forefront of our organization, there is no value in existing.